I'm hardworking.


Perhaps a little bit of a perfectionist at times, I have great difficulty leaving something alone until it's finished.  It's made me into a little bit of a workaholic but I'd rather spend my day getting stuff done. (Seriously, I've tried going for naps recently and can't fall asleep because I'm thinking of all of the things I could be doing.) In the middle of crunch time in the last semester of the photography program I was taking, I was in the mac labs along with my classmates until sunrise for weeks at a time and even though I was tired, I was enjoying it.  Work doesn't seem like work to me when I enjoy what I do. I also pride myself on being a fast-learner as well as being effective with the task at hand.  It won't take long for me to figure out how to do something, and once I do, it will be done in a timely fashion.  Deadlines are just fuel to my fire.
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